Graphic Designer & Developer

John. Smith

Graphic Designer

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Nov 25, 2021
The Different Types Of Cars Covers

When buying a cover for your car, you must first pay attention to the type informed on the package, as each one is specific to the place where the vehicle will be located. The two most common types are absorbent and waterproof.

The permeable car cover is for cars in covered places, such as a building parking lot or home garage. This type of cover is cheaper but only has essential protection.

The second type is waterproof. It is suitable for outdoor locations as, in addition to protecting against water, it helps protect against UV rays. It is generally lined with materials that do not scratch the car’s paintwork. Check car roof umbrella (ร่มหลังคารถ which is the term in Thai)

So, thinking about these two types, look at the package that is the best for use.

Materials And Size

Once you see the ideal type of cover for use in your car, you should pay attention to the material it is made from and the size it offers. To know the best material, it is recommended that you look in the vehicle manual. Automakers usually put what kind of material won’t hurt the bodywork or scratch the car’s paint. On the market, you will find vehicle covers made of different materials such as plastic, fiberglass, vinyl, synthetic leather, lycra, etc.

However, each car model needs a specific material. Also, some covers have several layers inside them, which is suitable for giving even more protection. So, pay attention to the cover’s components. The second factor is how big the cover should be. Some covers are made for specific models, indicated on the packaging, and others only use the small, medium, or large size. So, to get an idea of ​​some sizes: the small one is for hatch model cars, the medium one for sedans, and the large one for SUVs.

For this, you must see which sizes are supported by the cover and compare with the size of the vehicle, as a canvas that is too large will not be able to protect adequately, and a small cover will not cover the entire vehicle, leaving parts exposed. Some covers protect only the top of the vehicle, leaving the wheels out. Click to know about car shade (ร่มบังรถ which is the term in Thai)

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