Graphic Designer & Developer

John. Smith

Graphic Designer

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Aug 19, 2020
All About the Coats: Adding Color to Your Walls

When you step into a house, the walls would make up most of the scenery. Since it will capture many people’s eyes, it is necessary to have them look the best they can be. There are some who like to dress them up in designer wallpaper to add a bit of flair, and that is just one way to make them beautiful.

Adding color to your walls can truly be transformational for any room or area in your home. At one point, you may want to repaint and change your scheme. If you want to do the job yourself, here are some pieces of advice that might help and guide you through the process.

Techniques and Hardware

There are a few ways that you can coat your walls with paint. Each one will produce a different effect, so your perception or preference will be the deciding factor. Before anything else, you need to prepare the room. Make sure that you cover any spot or item that you do not want to have paint on because you certainly will have that dripping all over.

Using a paintbrush allows you to make thicker coats at the onset. It is not ideal for large spaces, because the speed in which you can complete the work will be completely dependent on your physicality. How fast and how wide you make the strokes will factor in here. It will be quite the workout for your arms once you are done with it. Your brush is best used in smaller and tighter spaces because of its size and flexibility.

You can also try using a roller. This makes for a more even-looking coating and does not use as much paint as a brush does.

If you want an upgrade, you can have your walls painted using a type of spray mechanism. This is more economical with the paint, and you can cover a lot of space in a quicker time. You just need to invest in the right equipment if you want to get that going.

Color Choice

Your choice of color will determine the theme or the mood that you want for the room or area. Neutral colors like white or gray are safe to put anywhere. Bright primary or secondary hues are perfect for children’s rooms, as they are vibrant and bring out a playful vibe. Pastel colors can evoke sophistication or a laid-back atmosphere.

Other Options

Bringing colors to a room does not just involve using paint. You can also use interesting materials, like the aforementioned wallpaper. This is a good option if you want to put up something that has a pattern or texture. Wood panels can add a touch of nature to a room. If you happen to have a wall made out of beautiful red bricks, you can just clean that up a bit and leave everything else untouched.

Adding color to the many walls of your house can do wonders for its aesthetic values. Your overall vision will drive how it looks. It is safe to say that the end product will be an extension of yourself.

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