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Jun 4, 2021
7 Things Your Kid Learn From Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Summer Camp

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the Perfect Martial Art for Kids | theAsianparent

If you want to make your kid’s summer more meaningful, fun, and memorable, enrolling them in a Brazilian jiu jitsu summer camp is a great idea. It’s a wonderful avenue to improve your child’s motor skills while letting him or her make new friends. Read on to find out seven things your kid can learn from this program.

Techniques to improve motor skills. It’s advantageous to develop motor skills at an early age. If your kid wants to be more physically adept, learning martial arts like jiu jitsu can help. The techniques being taught in this sports activity will help learners have more body awareness. By constant training, doing such techniques will develop your child’s neuromuscular connections, improving his sense of balance and coordination.

Self-defense. Many parents enroll their kids in a Brazilian jiu jitsu summer camp because it’s a place where they can learn proper self-defense techniques. In a world where bullies and perpetrators are rampant, having the skills to protect oneself against harm is truly valuable. As a parent, we understand your worry about not always being there to protect your child; having them learn how to defend themselves is also something that your kid can use even later on in life.

Proper mindset to become more focused. Jiu jitsu techniques can be quite complicated. To master such skills, one has to be focused. A summer camp dedicated to this type of martial arts is proven to be a conducive learning environment, especially for kids who typically have a short attention span. At the end of the program, your child can learn a thing or two about having the proper mindset to become more disciplined.

Goal-setting and confidence. In relation to becoming more focused, this unique summer camp is also a great way to instill the importance of commitment. By being more committed to learning jiu jitsu skills, your child will learn all about goal-setting in the process. Eventually, this will help him or her be more confident, which can be translated into better academic performance and better relationships.

Healthy lifestyle habits. In a Brazilian jiu jitsu summer camp, it’s not just about learning the technicalities of the martial arts. It’s all about being punctual in the training sessions and being more mindful about what you eat. This training will help your child acquire and form healthier lifestyle habits.

Socialization skills. As stated, this is also a great avenue to make new friends. In a martial arts camp, your child will be able to meet different people with whom he or she can develop a lasting friendship. He or she will also be able to interact with older people including the mentors and the camp’s staff members.

Respect. By meeting people from different walks of life, your child’s view on society can also widen. This will help him or her be more respectful of others. The sense of community that a martial arts camp offers will also teach your kid how it’s vital to work together toward the betterment of the whole — not just of himself or herself.

Dominion BJJ offers Brazilian jiu jitsu summer camp that will last for a week. If you want to enroll your kids, visit our website to learn more!

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